<2021年1月9日追記> 今シーズンの、インフルエンザワクチンのオンライン予約は2020年12月で終了しましたが、引き続きお電話で受け付けています。0743-57-6972/
070-8448-6972 迄、開院時間にお願いいたします。大人の方、お子様と接種されるご親族の方も接種可能です。
Our online flu shot booking has been ended, but we are still accepting it over the phone. Please contact 0743-57-6972/
070-8448-6972. Vaccinations for adults are also available.
Flu shot will begin on Oct. 3rd, Saturday. It will be held between 7 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. from Monday through Wednesday except holidays AND between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. from 1st through 4th Saturday and Sunday. Please book in advance at our WEB site.